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©2021 Aarti Uppal

The secret garden (Series)

 One of my childhood favourite books  was The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnet. It brought alive for me a hidden world of beauty that made the protagonist feel not so lonely in a stranger’s house.Surrounded by people all the time, families, friends, colleagues etc. we all tend to feel the need for space. A […]



The secret garden (Series)



One of my childhood favourite books  was The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnet. It brought alive for me a hidden world of beauty that made the protagonist feel not so lonely in a stranger's house.

Surrounded by people all the time, families, friends, colleagues etc. we all tend to feel the need for space. A little world of our own where we can converse with our innermost thoughts. A secret Garden where our desires and dreams bloom.

The beauty of flowers have the power to uplift the most saddened heart. Won't it be wonderful if each one of could have a garden where our favourite flowers grew and made each day of our lives bright and cheerful?

These are from my subconscious garden. Some as I see them and others as I dream them.